
Concept • Pitch • Art Direction • Production Management

Freelance Creative Director working on concepts and production pitches for Pepsi, Gatorade, and Jameson.

To introduce Gatorade’s new active water to the world, we developed a completely new technology capable of generating a visual and literal representation of an active water. The ingenious installation combines art, photography and science to synchronize tiny droplets of G-Active so that together they form a character that jumps, runs and even kicks a punching bag. The end result is both stunning and quite poetic.

Pepsi Max is a? zero-calorie cola in disguise? So we disguised Jeff Gordons boldest quality: driving. And visited a car dealership where we took one unsuspecting car salesman on the test drive of his life.

With zero paid views, we amassed over 30 million views in 7 days. 2.3 million Facebook shares. And boosted online traffic at Pepsi.com by 47%. It all added up to ranking as the 10th most shared ad of all time, within two weeks of its release.